love should be?
I was with a friend on a cool afternoon and we were
discussing random things and a thought hit me, after thinking it through for a
while I threw the thought to my friend and the thought was, what does he think love should be? And he’s response was captivating.
He started like this, love has to be one of the strangest
paradox’s in life, everybody wants it, few know what it is, most believe it is
a bunch of other things that really has nothing to do with the eternal gift
that is love. Humanity is in love with love by far more literary and artistic
expressions have their roots in love, let’s face it we see it everywhere from the
poppy dog eyes of Da Vinci’s Monalisa to the moan’s and sighs you hear watching
the latest Hollywood chick flicks, it’s all around us, from superman’s constant
fixation on Lois lane to Bogarde’s famous “here’s looking at your kid from
Casablanca”, and if you just came out of a bomb shelter and don’t know what
television is all you need to do is go to the park, see old couples walking
hand in hand, teenage girls giggling like they have butterfly in their tummies
or a pimple faces boys poppy dog eyes, its everywhere, and everyone no matter
who wants it, even Atilla the Hun succumbed to it.
To do justice to this piece I have to briefly talk about
what love isn’t, love isn’t attraction, it is not a warm feeling you get when
you get on a bus, and see a beautiful girl for the first time and start
obsessing, chances are it’s either lust or infatuation, love is not lying awake
at night dreaming about her, or showing your cruel side to flowers, plucking
each petals “he loves me he loves me not”, love isn’t a feeling love is a
choice and no one aptly describes or
captures the essence of this eternal gift better than Paul in 1 Corinthians 13: 4 -7.
Love is selfless, its giving the best part of you without
expecting anything in return, it’s not investing in another’s emotions for your
benefit, its working to see the joy and
happiness in another, its hoping to see the miracle that is the beautiful
growth experienced in the person you love, not manipulating people and events
to bring about what you think they should become, its holding back, bearing the
pain even though you can attack realizing attacking would hurt more knowing the
one you love is hurt, an injury inflicted by you. Love is a choice and when we
make that choice we begin to experience the joy and total happiness that only
true love can bring, and only when we realize that love is a choice and not a
feeling you get because you fell in love, we would begin to fight for what is
truly important ‘true love’.
I leave you with these thoughts from these great men and
woman, “love conquers all” Virgil,
Aristotle describes love as “to will the good
of another”, Bertrand Russell describes love as “a
condition of absolute value” as opposed to relative value, Philosopher
Gottfried Leibniz said that “love is to be delighted in the happiness of
another”, Meher Baba stated that “in love there is a feeling of unity and an
active appreciation of the intrinsic worth of the object of love”, Biologist
Jeremy Griffith defines love as “unconditional selflessness”, so
whatever form it takes, Romantic love paternal/maternal love, it can all be
summed up in 5 words, in the immortal words of the Beatles “All
you need is love”.
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